Coming Soon: 2022 Report!
Celebrating Four Years of the Shared Micromobility State of the Industry Report
In 2020, NABSA released the first annual Shared Micromobility State of the Industry Report for North America, the only report of its kind tracking the trends, growth, and success of shared micromobility across North America. The inaugural report looked at 2019 data and marked the first time that the shared micromobility industry had in-depth, year-over-year metrics demonstrating its trends, growth, and success in North America. The second report, which looked at 2020 data, highlighted the industry’s response and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to country-by-country breakdowns of ridership and vehicle types, mode shift, rider representation, economic impacts, and other metrics. The third report told the second half of the COVID-19 story of 2021 and further demonstrated the resilience, importance, demand for, and impact of shared micromobility in communities and across North America.
The 2022 report continues to capture year-over-year metrics demonstrating the industry trends, growth, and success of shared micromobility for Canada, the US, and Mexico. The upcoming report will reflect a year of significant growth in shared micromobility and highlight how shared micromobility continues to help millions of people connect to transit, get where they need to go, and have fun while offsetting CO₂ emissions, lowering congestion, encouraging mode shift and active transportation, and strengthening public transportation networks.

Stay tuned to see the numbers and so much more roll in next week!
Until then, let’s review some of the trends from the first three State of the Industry reports.

Resilience and Growth
While shared micromobility usage was affected during the early onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry quickly rebounded and was within 20% of 2019 levels by the end of 2020 and 75% of suspended systems reopened by the end of the year. This positive trajectory continued into 2021. The number of systems and vehicles in 2021 were above pre-pandemic levels, and while total trips for 2021 were below that of 2019, monthly ridership surpassed 2019 levels by mid-2021. Exciting growth numbers to come in the 2022 report!

Climate Impacts
Riding shared micromobility produces considerably fewer greenhouse gas emissions than driving a gas-powered car and helps to decarbonize transportation. Shared micromobility trips in North America offset approximately 54 million pounds of CO₂ emissions in 2021, 29 million pounds in 2020, and 65 million pounds in 2019 by replacing car trips. The emissions offset from shared micromobility trips for 2022 coming soon.

Electric Shared Micromobility
Electric shared micromobility has continued to thrive and we are excited to share increased growth metrics in the 2022 report. In 2021, e-bikes were present in 50% of cities with a bikeshare system – an increase of 6% from 2020 and 22% from 2019. Additionally, the percentage of cities with shared e-scooter systems increased to 64% in 2021, from 58% in 2020 and 52% in 2019.

Transit Integration
Shared micromobility helps make public transportation more equitable and accessible by filling transit gaps, serving as a first/last-mile solution, and complementing transit service. In 2021 63% of riders reported that they use shared micromobility to connect to transit, an increase from 50% in 2020.
What to expect from the 2022 State of the Industry Report
The fourth annual Shared Micromobility State of the Industry Report for North America will be here next week! New additions to the 2022 State of the Industry report include a page with year-over-year trends from 2019 to 2022, a rural shared micromobility feature, industry innovations feature, expansion of the shared micromobility for climate action information, trip purpose breakdown, additional operating characteristics, and a new page highlighting country-by-country breakdowns of shared micromobility trips and vehicles. The report continues to capture mode shift, rider demographics, benefits of shared micromobility, equity metrics, transit integration, new research and much more.
By capturing the benefits and impact of shared micromobility, the State of the Industry report is a powerful tool for advocating for shared micromobility and its benefits to communities. We can’t wait to share the 2022 report with you!
Learn more about the State of the Industry Report at