Member Spotlight – Bike Share Toronto

Toronto Parking Authority operates Bike Share Toronto serving the City of Toronto. Bike Share Toronto is a green, healthy and cost-effective way for residents and visitors to move around the city.

This year, Bike Share Toronto celebrates its 10th anniversary – In 10 years of operation, Torontonians and visitors to the city have taken more than 12.5M trips!

Bike Share Toronto offers the City of Toronto an active transportation option that provides customers with a green, healthy and cost-effective way to commute and ride the city. The impact Bike Share Toronto has had on Torontonians’ quality of life, the overall Toronto transportation landscape and enabling the city to reach ever closer to its environmental goal, is immense.

TPA greatly values its partnership with its operator, Shift Transit Inc. Shift Transit oversees the day-to-day operations, marketing and customer care for Bike Share Toronto. Together, they are extremely proud to be collaboratively working on building and executing a customer-centric business strategy. In the past year, Bike Share Toronto has seen tremendous growth, while achieving record-breaking usage through system expansion, operational improvements, marketing campaigns and new membership offerings.

Last year, Bike Share Toronto saw its fifth expansion in five years, growing the system footprint with an additional 160 stations and 1,850 bikes, bringing the total system size to 625 stations and 6,850 bikes (including an e-bike pilot). Operational efficiencies initiated by Shift Transit contributed to improvements in bike and dock availability as well as the number of empty and full stations, helping customers find bikes and docks when they needed them. While navigating the new normal with the rise of the pandemic, Shift Transit also delivered a marketing strategy pivoting to adapt to the times, which encouraged a record-breaking number of Torontonians to discover Bike Share Toronto. Although the pandemic brought forth hard-hitting realities, we have been experiencing record growth, with ridership increasing 25% year over year, and annual membership sales increasing 26%.

This past summer, Bike Share Toronto launched new membership offerings to include 30-minute and 45-minute station-to-station trip options, giving customers more choice and more flexibility. In addition, a Corporate Membership Program was rolled out as part of a city-wide campaign to help Torontonians get back to the office safely.

Bike Share Toronto is excited to be a NABSA member, as it provides us with valuable data and insights from other cities, allows us to share best practices and collaborate on policy advocacy with senior levels of government. We look forward to our active participation in the months and years ahead!