Partner Spotlight: Latino SBP

Latino SBP began developing the Latin American Bikesharing Annual Report in 2018. It consists of information from system operators. In 2019 they developed a more efficient data collection process by obtaining information through research that includes accessing the systems’, operators’ and cities’ websites, tracking BSS’ news, and cross-checking and validating all the acquired information. Latino SBP developed the report in three stages: (1) Variable’s identification; (2) Data gathering; and (3) Data analysis and Knowledge sharing.

They firmly believe that research is vital and contributes to the establishment of sustainable cities and communities. They advocate for responsible governmental behavior and transparency in Latin America. Their team consists of three transportation engineering researchers – Gabriela Binatti, Juliana DeCastro, and Ycaro Batalha.

The report analyzes data from 92 systems in Latin America. This analysis developed an overview of bikesharing systems operating during December 2019 and an online map called “The Latin America Bike-sharing Map,” which provides information from the BSS platform.

This first report represents a tremendous effort to collect, systematize, and convert data from the dynamic bikesharing ecosystem into an open knowledge format to help improve the services provided by the government, industry, organizations, and civil society.

The report made it possible to understand the unique elements and possible successes and challenges of dockless systems in Latin America and the diversity of strategies used to implement these systems in the region. Since 2018, they have learned a lot about themselves and bikesharing in Latin America. They’re spending the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 fine-tuning and improving their data collection process and plan to develop additional reports and studies.

The report is available in 3 languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese. You can download the report here. Learn more about Latino SBP here.

In 2020, they conducted a series of webinars with the C40 Cities and are open to collaboration and partnership with others.