NABSA Encourages the Inclusion of Bikeshare and Shared Micromobility in America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act
Conversation in Washington, DC, has returned to infrastructure with the recent introduction of America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act of 2019. The bill is sponsored by Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Sen. John Barrasso and co-sponsored by Ranking Member Senator Tom Carper.
NABSA is in support of the passage of ATIA, and encourages Congress to find a place for bikeshare and shared micromobility in the bill. There is currently no mention of bikeshare or shared micromobility, and now is the time to support the growth of this thriving segment of the transportation system.
NABSA released three main priorities for federal surface transportation investment earlier this year. This is how the ATIA addresses those three priorities:
Priority 1: That Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds be allowed for direct investment in bikeshare and shared micromobility systems, and that those funds be increased.
ATIA does not allow for direct investment in bikeshare and shared micromobility systems using CMAQ grants. NABSA supports the Bikeshare Transit Act of 2019, which defines bikeshare as a capital project in federal code. NABSA encourages the inclusion of this language as a part of ATIA.
Priority 2: Expanding for the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) to increase safe and reliable infrastructure for bikeshare and shared micromobility systems.
ATIA increases funds for TAP 40% – from $850 million per year to $1.2 billion per year. A larger percentage of this funding will also be made available at the community level rather than passing through the state.
Priority 3: That the use of Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds be directed to support the safety of vulnerable roadway users.
ATIA sets aside $500 million for a bicyclist and pedestrian safety incentives program in communities where the fatality rate for vulnerable roadway users is greater than 1.5 per 100,000 individuals or have a combined fatality rate that is 15% of the state’s crash fatalities.
NABSA will continue to monitor the progress of ATIA and update our members on key milestones. We will work to find a place for bikeshare and shared micromobility on behalf of our members. Please reach out with any questions, or visit this page for more information about NABSA’s advocacy efforts.
NABSA also supports the Bicycle Commuter Act, which would reinstate and expand the Bicycle Commuter Tax Benefit to include bikeshare and shared micromobility. Since this bill address tax issues, it will not be addressed by transportation infrastructure legislation. NABSA will continue to monitor tax reform legislation and the progress of HR 1507.