NABSA Committees

Participation in NABSA committees is a leadership opportunity for members, and essential to the work that NABSA does. Through committee engagement, participating members provide insight and guidance for NABSA’s work, and have the opportunity to network and collaborate with other members in the process. The following NABSA committees are open to general member participation.

Conference Committee

The Conference Committee helps in the planning and execution of the Annual Conference, and the selection of future host cities. This includes setting themes and topics for the conference sessions, selecting keynotes, reviewing presentation proposals, and helping to organize sessions, among other duties.

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee is a forum for NABSA members to engage in NABSA’s policy and advocacy work, organize around shared policy goals, and participate in peer-to-peer sharing and learning on policy issues that members are working on across North America.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging Committee

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB) committee continues to explore what meaningful role NABSA can and should play in supporting the shared micromobility industry in moving from awareness to greater action toward DEIB workforce objectives. The DEIB committee consults and collaborates with various DEIB projects, such as the Building a Better Shared Micromobility Industry: Best Practices for More Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces toolkit.

Research & Data Committee

The Research and Data Committee is responsible for helping to guide the annual State of the Industry Report, stewarding additional research and data projects, and assists in building relationships with shared micromobility researchers to help expand the content of the knowledge share database.

Interested in learning more about NABSA committees?
