Waffiyyah Murray
City of Philadelphia
Why is being a board member of NABSA important to you?
I’ve been an active member of NABSA for the last four years, and I stand behind its mission of access and equity within the shared micomobility industry. In addition to partnering on the shared Better Bike Share Partnership and NABSA conference in 2018, I’ve served annually on the NABSA conference planning committee helping to ensure that equity is integrated throughout the conference content and speakers. I was also a co-creator of the NABSA Workforce Diversity Toolkit and the upcoming Policy Principles guide. I would like to serve on the NABSA board to further support their work as a leader in shared micomobility while carrying forward our aligned mission of DEI and having diverse voices at all levels especially leadership.
What experience or insight do you bring to your position on the board?
I am a nationally recognized expert in the realm of transportation equity with a background in nonprofit leadership and youth development. For the past 14 years, I have devoted my professional life to serving marginalized communities. As manager of the Better Bike Share Partnership, I work to address barriers to the use of bike share for individuals with low income and BIPOC communities, while increasing equitable access in shared micromobility systems worldwide. As a result, I have helped make Philadelphia’s Indego bikeshare system a national leader in bike share equity, while providing technical assistance to numerous cities, advocates, and operators on how to incorporate equity and meaningful community engagement throughout their shared micromobility systems.