Board Member

John Lankford

Third Lane Mobility

John leads partnerships and policy for Third Lane Mobility, parent company of shared micromobility operators Bird and Spin. His work in transportation dates back to 2009 when he co-founded the political action committee Walk Bike Transit that lobbied candidates in the Chicago municipal election cycle for more investment in bicycle, pedestrian and transit infrastructure. He then worked at Active Transportation Alliance where he led community engagement around the installation of Chicago’s first protected bike lanes as well as the city’s Streets for Cycling 2020 Plan. In 2019, John joined Spin where he focused on building Spin’s portfolio of campus programs before stepping in to lead government partnerships and policy as well. Beginning February 2025, John heads up government partnerships and policy for both Bird and Spin.

John lives in suburban Chicago where he and his partner have 3 children under the age of 4. Their primary mode of transportation (and greatest parent hack) is getting around primarily by electric cargo bikes.