Board Member
Gabriela Becerra Castellanos
BKT bici pública
Why is being a board member of NABSA important to you?
I am convinced that bike sharing systems transform our cities, and when consider as part of the public transportation allow to achieve a more inclusive and socially just mobility.
I hope to help NABSA promote an agenda with associations, academia and actors in Mexico to achieve sharing systems, create data culture or legislative proposals. Also, to impulse events that include the different visions and experiences that our country can bring to NABSA members.
Mexico is part of North America and part of NABSA, and sometimes we tend to forget that. Hosting NABSA 22, and allowing me to be on this year’s Conference Committee, has made me aware of the importance of true representation of Mexico’s industry for the association.
What experience or insight do you bring to your position on the board?
I have been working in the industry for 3 years, although micromobility has been a passion of mine for over 10 years.
As a sociologist, I am interested in research, especially the effects in public space and gender. An issue that has gained visibility, as it helps to achieve mobility with intersectionality and inclusion
On the other hand, it is very important to diversify the board. Something that I can bring as a first board member from Mexico and Latin America.