Executive Director
Samantha Herr
North American Bikeshare & Scootershare Association
What does your role on the NABSA team include?
I primarily focus on things like NABSA’s strategic planning, NABSA’s advocacy and policy work, the annual Shared Micromobility State of the Industry Report, working with the Board of Directors, and the overall executive functioning of the organization.
What do you love most about working for NABSA?
The people! And also the mission and values. I truly admire and enjoy working with all of the incredible people that work in the field of shared micromobility. I am also passionate about shared micromobility and the ways it can facilitate people-centered places, community, and increased access to multi-modal transportation options that decrease car use and increase more equitable, sustainable mobility.
What experience or insight do you bring to your position with NABSA?
I have been NABSA’s Executive Director since 2017, and have been working in the field of shared micromobility since 2012. I have a background as a mobilities professional working at the intersection of climate and equity, and have held positions with the City of Boston, Bicycle Coalition of Maine, as a mobilities researcher, and in applied anthropology.
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