Member Spotlight: re:Charge

Based in Albany, New York, re:Charge believes in the potential for shared micromobility to reshape urban communities toward a healthier, greener, and more equitable future. They recognize that as the use of micromobility expands and becomes increasingly electrified, many shared micromobility systems face charging challenges. To address these problems, re:Charge developed a universal wireless charging solution that is designed as a shared resource for the electric micromobility industry. Using wireless power transfer technology and power management software, the wireless charging solution is designed to adapt to a range of vehicles and battery types

In May of this year, re:Charge installed its first public micromobility charging docks in support of the Capital District Transportation Authority’s CDPHP Cycle! bikeshare system in the Albany, New York region. They worked with ebike provider, Drop Mobility, and system operator, Shared Mobility, Inc., to equip a number of publicly available ebikes with onboard charging electronics that are charged at the re:Charge charging station. They say that so far the results to date have exceeded their expectations. To capitalize on this success, re:Charge is pursuing funding with CDTA and other partners to expand the system throughout the region. 

When asked about the value of NABSA membership they said, “Nearly ⅓ of CO2 emissions in the US come from the transportation sector, so the electrification of transportation is critical if we are to meet emission reduction targets. But electrification of cars, trucks and buses won’t be enough: we need to reduce the amount we drive, and access to transit and infrastructure for biking and walking need to improve. Shared micromobility has an important role to play in our transportation future, and NABSA is a critical voice advocating for a more balanced transportation system. In addition to its advocacy, NABSA provides an important venue for the sharing of best practices, helps cities and operators develop the best operational practices, and supports critical research into the shared micromobility market that moves us all forward.”

To learn more about re:Charge visit