President Biden’s FY2025 Budget Includes Shared Micromobility

On Monday, March 11, President Biden announced his FY2025 budget. This budget includes eligibility for shared micromobility capital expenses for grants available for “associated transit improvements.” Secretary Buttigeig highlights this new provision, saying that it “would enable FTA grant recipients to directly fund shared micromobility systems… By improving access to transit, shared use micromobility can reduce transportation emissions while improving equitable access to transportation.”

“NABSA has advocated for inclusion of shared micromobility as an associated transit improvement for many years, and continues to do so,” says NABSA’s Executive Director, Sam Herr. “With the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we saw the first inclusion of shared micromobility into federal law, and we applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for this encouraging next step.”

Eligibility for shared micromobility as an “associated transit improvement” was among NABSA’s priority recommendations to the Biden-Harris Administration as they took office, and to federal policymakers. The provision originally passed in the House INVEST Act in 2020, and has been proposed and championed by Congressman Blumenauer and the Congressional Bike Caucus through the introduction of the Bikeshare Transit Act of 2019 and 2021.

“The popularity of shared micromobility programs like bikeshare and scootershare has skyrocketed in recent years. Making easy connections to the bus stop or train stop is a critical piece of the transit puzzle. I am delighted the Biden-Harris Administration shares my commitment to providing robust federal funding for these programs,” says Congressman Earl Blumenauer. 

NABSA continues to advocate for the passage of this important provision and others that encourage investment in shared micromobility, and the benefits that it provides communities. Find more information about NABSA’s advocacy work here.