Meddin Emerging Researcher Scholarship

In honor of Russell Meddin’s legacy as a long-time bikeshare champion and advocate, NABSA created the Meddin Emerging Researcher Scholarship to give up-and-coming shared micromobility researchers access to our valuable resources and annual conference. Russell was a constant fixture at NABSA conferences and gatherings, and he was known around the world as a generous, knowledgeable, and passionate self-made expert of bikeshare.

The Meddin Scholarship awards a single applicant with one year of access to our members-only Knowledge Share database and virtual events, and an admission ticket to our annual conference, the leading global venue for shared micromobility professionals, transportation leaders, practitioners, and equipment providers.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Masters or Ph.D. student researchers
  • Individuals who have graduated from a relevant program within the last five years
  • An academic in a relevant field
  • Individuals affiliated with an educational institution, nonprofit, thinktank, etc.
  • Will accept applications from unaffiliated researchers who have a track record of publicly accessible relevant research

Applicants must:

  • Be researching shared micromobility
  • Comply with our core values
  • Publish the research publicly. Our goal is to share the research with our members and other shared micromobility professionals

This scholarship will be awarded each year. If you have questions, contact us at Learn more about Russell Meddin here.

The application for 2024 is closed.